Promote your products through electronic mail. Email marketing is one of the strategies used to effective promote the products of the company. Advertising through email is the growing trend in the advertising industry as it one of the most effective ways of increasing web traffic and promotion of the brand. The companies which show secure information such banks use this form of marketing to promote an offer that pertains to only a few set of people and not every one. The list of the email data with the fields of first and last name and of course not to forget, the email address of the individual is available cheap on the internet. The US Web Traffic provides service through the supply of email traffic leads to the advertisers to promote their brands. The rates are very much affordable and as low as $0.01 per lead. There is also an option of having email leads along with tele leads. This option is available only for the UK users. The order should include a minimum of 50000 leads. US Web traffic has a database of about 14 million US email leads. The more number of email address ensures more circulation and advertising.