Pay day finance is a term given to taking small amounts of money in terms of loan for a small interval of time and it is returned back by the end of that interval. The bank companies that provide this service would charge a fee for the loan amount. For instance, if person is required to take a cash advance, he or she should contact the bank providing this service and give them their details such as social security number and bank details. The amount would be debited from their checking account on every pay day. Banks advertise through emails to give an opportunity to the customers to take cash advances during critical financial crisis. US Web traffic service provides an option of buying the email database of various customers on the internet. The fields of the database include first and last name and the email address. There is also availability of list of payday leads that are generated online. These customers have already used this service and would most probably use in near future. The fields in the lead include first and last name with a complete address and postal code. Email address along with phone number and mobile number is also provided. The fields also include the link from where the lead is generated and internet protocol address of the system using which the lead is submitted. It is useful for tracking.