Advertise on the webpage top slots with 728×90 top ad units

When you open a webpage then the top slots are easily noticed and are therefore considered to be very effective when used for advertising. If you want to bank upon this then you can buy 728×90 top adunits. The 728×90 ads are banner ads that are also called as leader board ads as they are placed on the top of the website. They enjoy a prominent place on a website, right under the website name and above the main content. It is displayed across the page just like a banner and thus the names. The dimension of the banner ad is 728×90 and this is why it is called as 728×90 top adunit. Most of the advertisers use banner ads for promoting their website and 40% of their advertising budget is used for 728×90 adunits. This is because these ads are very effective in bringing in quality traffic and are comparatively very reasonable. If you want to use these advertisement to bring in targeted traffic then you can buy targeted banner ad traffic. You can contact and we can help you with it easily. Whether you need US web traffic or need to promote your website to people of particular age group, we can help you with it easily.